
$ launch hockey

The hockey action will deploy your Cordova app to Hockey. Hockey supports both iOS and Android app distribution, so this action can upload either one, or both, based on which platforms you have added to your Meteor project.


First, make sure you have added the keys describe in the build action.

Make sure you have created an application on Hockey corresponding to the type(s) of application(s) you want to upload. If you will be uploading both iOS and Android apps, you will need two separate apps on Hockey.


Generate an API key for your iOS app on Hockey, and then add it to your launch.json.

  "IOS_HOCKEY_TOKEN": "tokenhere"


Generate an API key for your Android app on Hockey. You will also need the id of your application on Hockey for Android. Then, add it to your launch.json.

  "ANDROID_HOCKEY_TOKEN": "tokenhere",
  "ANDROID_HOCKEY_ID": "idhere"

Crosswalk: If you use the Crosswalk webview, two different builds of your app are generated. Both of these will be uploaded to Hockey with different build numbers.

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