
$ launch build path/to/optional/settings.json

The build action will build your Meteor project. This action is required prior to running most of the other actions. So, it's a good idea to set this up first.

What all it builds depends on what platforms you have added to your Meteor project. If you are wanting to build and deploy iOS or Android Cordova apps, make sure you have those platforms) added to your Meteor project.

build assumes that you are in the root of your Meteor project, unless you specify the METEOR_INPUT_DIR setting.

build will place all of your built files in to the .build folder inside your Meteor project, unless you specify a METEOR_OUTPUT_DIR. Keep this in mind when filling out paths in your launch.json. If you do set METEOR_OUTPUT_DIR, be aware that it should either be outside your meteor project directory, or it should be a hidden directory. If you set METEOR_OUTPUT_DIR as a relative path, it should be set relative to your meteor project. So, keep this in mind if you are also using METEOR_INPUT_DIR.


If you are targeting the iOS platform, fill out these variables in your launch.json with the appropriate values. Some of these aren't used in the build action directly, but will be needed for most other actions.

  "XCODE_SCHEME_NAME": "NameOfYourApp",
  "APPLE_ID": "",
  "FASTLANE_PASSWORD": "appleIdPassword",
  "KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD": "randomPassword",
  "CERT_KEY_PATH": "./distribution.p12",
  "CERT_PASSWORD": "realPassword"
  • XCODE_SCHEME_NAME: name of your app from mobile-config.js.
  • APP_IDENTIFIER: this is your unique app identifier set as id in mobile-config.js.
  • APPLE_ID: the email associated with your Apple Developer account.
  • FASTLANE_PASSWORD: the password associated with your Apple Developer account (I know this doesn't make sense right now).
  • KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD: this password will be used to create a temporary Keychain when run on a CI server. It can be anything, and can be changed at any time. But, I like to make it random and complicated just for fun ;)
  • CERT_KEY_PATH: the path to your .p12 certificate. You will likely need to generate this yourself using the Keychain app on your Mac. Here is a guide to generating your .p12 file.
  • CERT_KEY_PASSWORD: this is the password you set when generating your .p12 file.


If you are targeting the Android platform, fill out these variables in your launch.json with the appropriate values. Some of these aren't used in the build action directly, but will be needed for most other actions.

  "ANDROID_STORE_PASS": "password",
  "ANDROID_KEY": "name-of-key",
  "ANDROID_ZIPALIGN": "/path/to/android/sdk/build-tools/23.0.3/zipalign"
  • ANDROID_STORE_KEY: the name of the key generated for signing your android app. To generate a key, run this command, replacing your-app-name with your app name:
$ keytool -genkey -alias your-app-name -keyalg RSA \
    -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  • ANDROID_STORE_PASS: password used when generating the store key
  • ANDROID_ZIPALIGN: path to the zipalign tool in the Android sdks. This will likely be different on your local machine than on a CI server, so it may be best to leave this blank and just export the variable on the machine running launch:
$ export ANDROID_ZIPALIGN=~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/23.0.3/zipalign

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